Thursday, October 10, 2013

Iberflora Valencia

Hi everybody,

Here are some pictures from Iberflora - International fair of plants and flowers, technology and gardening we attended last week.

It went well, a lot of interesting contacts and new people but I think it could start a little bit later.
9 o´clock in the morning was just too early, not many people around and it felt like the day is never going to finish. They probably didn´t think of us - exhibitors. :)

Anyway, I will try to post some pictures of each exhibition we´re going to attend and if you would like to come and see us at one of them you can find the list on our website.

I almost forgot I also wanted to say that my colleagues did a great job with our stand and compositions of tillandsias and bromeliads. I´m curious what they will come up with next time. :)

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