Monday, December 23, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

PlantaBrutt in Barcelona
So, I can add a new place to our exhibition list - Mercabarna-flor in Barcelona.
I have to say we had a great time and have been treated very well. Greeting to everybody who participated :)

And of course some pictures. Beautiful compositions and christmas trees and I´m sorry for not publishing all of them. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bromeliads and Tillandsias Christmas style :)

I know, 31st October I should be probably adding some scary Halloween stuff but we´ve been busy and decided to focus on some nice tillandsia and bromeliad christmas decoration. :)
And to be honest I don´t like Halloween anyway.

My colleagues have done great job again and I hope you´re going to like it.

All these nice compositions will be available at our online shop soon as well.

Hasta la próxima :)

Monday, October 14, 2013


The genus Tillandsia was named by Carl von Linne after the Swedish physician and botanist Dr. Elias Tillandz (1640 – 1693).  There are basicly two different groups of Tillandsias. One of them is the Air-Tillandsia and the other group is the Tank-Tillandsia. The last type of Tillandsias forms a water reservoir in the center of the plant like other Bromeliads do as well. Lots of these green Tank-Tillandsias also get quite large, up to 1m diameters.

But talking about Tillandsias most people think of grey little air plants, which have no root system and grow on tree branches or rocks.                                                    
Grey Tillandsias are very popular because of there interesting appearance and the little care they require to thrive well. As a matter fact Tillandsias are able to absorb water from air humidity. By misting them abundantly you can help them to stay well hydrated. Although Tillandsias don´t necessarily need fertilization you can support there growth by giving them minimal applicatins (0,5g compound fertilizer per Liter) There are also green types a air plants, these green Tillandsias require more shade and air humidity.
All types of air Tillandsias love to be put to tree branches, pieces of wood or stones. If the growing conditions are suitable to the Tillandsias they will start growing roots and attach themselves to the wood growing beautiful colonies.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Iberflora Valencia

Hi everybody,

Here are some pictures from Iberflora - International fair of plants and flowers, technology and gardening we attended last week.

It went well, a lot of interesting contacts and new people but I think it could start a little bit later.
9 o´clock in the morning was just too early, not many people around and it felt like the day is never going to finish. They probably didn´t think of us - exhibitors. :)

Anyway, I will try to post some pictures of each exhibition we´re going to attend and if you would like to come and see us at one of them you can find the list on our website.

I almost forgot I also wanted to say that my colleagues did a great job with our stand and compositions of tillandsias and bromeliads. I´m curious what they will come up with next time. :)